31 marca 2020, 09:07
So all the media are providing full coverage of coronavirus-news, complete not only with the (rising) number of fatalities, official information of the latest laws limiting our freedom to move about, but also "human interest" stories of mothers who unknowlingly infect their children because they had coffee with a chum who had happened to have visited a friend whose husband's work partner had traveled to Italy some weeks back...
Plus heart-rending warnings like the one recorded by Kasia Kowalska - who had to give permission to intubate her daugther over the phone, because Kasia is in Poland and her daughter is being treated in a hospital in England so obviously... Kasia cannot fly to be at her side in this critical time.
Question: is it really necessary to consume all of these?
Question: is your (teenage or adult, whatever) psyche ready to cope with the tsunami wave of fear-inducing snippets?
Question: how to ration our access to the media-pandemia-menu?